The Terminal Generation: A Revolutionary Revelation
Gary's new book is a fresh look at the subject of eschatology, which is the study of end-time prophetic events. It is not locked into the traditional thinking and teachings espoused in the last two hundred years. The views expressed in this book are the result of a comparison of what Jesus taught on this subject through the Old Testament prophets, what Jesus taught on this important subject while He was on the earth, and what Jesus taught from heaven to His apostles after His ascension.

Develop the kind of leadership that stands out in a crowd.
Matt’s newest book takes a deep and exciting look into the leadership development of Old Testament leaders and draws a clear distinction between modern leadership development and the leadership process that God uses to determine who He will send as His ambassadors.

MORE BOOKS (click book title to purchase)
Contextual Intelligence (by Matthew Kutz) $19.99
(2013 Leadership Book of the Year Award Winner for Innovation and Cutting-Edge Perspective. Note: this book is written from a biblical worldview, but is not a Christian book per se or intended for only Christian readers)
Discipleship 1 (D1): Downreach (by Gary King) $21.00
D1 is an indepth discussion and examination of the Hebrews 6 foundational doctines of faith in the life the spirit-led believer. There is a manual and a workbook.
Discipleship 2 (D2): Upreach (by Gary King) $16.00
D2 is a detialed examination of living a spirit-filled life based on indepth revelation from Romans 6, 7, and 8. There is a manual and a workbook.
The Flow of Teamwork: A Guidebook for Ministry Teams
(by Matthew Kutz) $18.99
The book discusses aspects of teamwork as it relates to leadership and organizational performance from a biblical perspective.

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